Casa Sofiya

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Time to make a few changes

The moment has come when I have realized that many things in my life need to be changed. Not for anyone, but for me. No one will do it for me, but me.

ALLAH berfirman yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa yang Allah kehendaki mendapat hidayah nescaya dilapangkan dadanya untuk menerima Islam dan sesiapa yang dikehendaki sesat nescaya dijadikan dadanya sempit dan sesak seolah-seolah naik ke langat. Demikianlah Allah menimpakan kehinaan kepada orang yang tidak beriman.” (Surah al-An’am, aya t12)

How do I become A good Muslim?

I must believe that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

I have to find what could have caused me delaying or do not follow or infrequently do what Allah asked for.

Wear the hijab properly. Alhamdulillah I am wearing the hijab since I am 26 but I have yet to perfect. I need to wear the hijab properly. Actually, hijab not just a piece of cloth that covers hair, it changes your mentally and spiritually.

The five daily prayers (Solat), Alhamdulillah I am grateful, but I still need to learn the meaning of the verse that I read when I pray.

I should be more frequent recitation of Al- Quran because by doing that I'd be very close to Allah. InsyaAllah, I will try to also examine the meaning of verses is in the nature of Al-Quran.

I will try to stay away from those who tried to prevent my intention and I will try to find my weaknesses.
May Allah bless us all and give guidance to follow the right path. Ameen!

Later peeps!!

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